Emacs Registers

Emacs registers are compartments where you can save text, rectangles, positions, and other things for later use. Once you save text or a rectangle in a register, you can copy it into the buffer once, or many times; once you save a position in a register, you can jump back to that position once, or many times.

Each register has a name that consists of a single character, which we will denote by r; r can be a letter (such as ‘a’) or a number (such as ‘1’); case matters, so register ‘a’ is not the same as register ‘A’.

A register can store a position, a piece of text, a rectangle, a number, a window configuration, or a file name, but only one thing at any given time. Whatever you store in a register remains there until you store something else in that register. To see what register r contains, use M-x view-register


Set Some Registers

Jump to a register with: C-x r j <register>

(dolist (r `((?i (file . ,(concat dotfiles-dir "init.el")))))
  (set-register (car r) (cadr r)))

Author: Toby Tripp

Created: 2018-03-04 Sun 00:38
